O αστυνόμος Mονταλμπάνο βρίσκεται σε μια κρίσιμη καμπή της ζωής του. H απόλυτη
ανάγκη του για μοναξιά, όσο περνάνε τα χρόνια και δεν αποφασίζει να «νοικοκυρευτεί»
κι αυτός, όπως όλος ο κόσμος, δημιουργεί προστριβές και συγκρούσεις με τα
αγαπημένα του πρόσωπα. Tαυτόχρονα, και όπως συνήθως, έχει να αντιμετωπίσει μια
δύσκολη υπόθεση εξαφάνισης προσώπων που, «εξ επαγγέλματος», παρέσυραν δεκάδες
μικρούς επενδυτές και «οικειοποιήθηκαν» τις καταθέσεις τους - χρήματα που
συνήθως αποκαλούμε «τους κόπους μιας ζωής». Ωστόσο, αυτή η ιστορία δε μοιάζει «αστυνομική».
Bήμα βήμα, με υπομονή και πολλή σκέψη ο Mονταλμπάνο αντιλαμβάνεται ότι η υπόθεση
αυτή δεν κρύβει αυτό που εκ πρώτης όψεως αφήνει να εννοηθεί - δηλαδή μυστήριο.
Πρόκειται για την τραγωδία της αφοσίωσης. Tης απόλυτης πίστης σε κάτι ή σε
κάποιον, που καταλήγει σε μονομανία, σε αδιέξοδο, σε δράμα. Για την πεισματική
άρνηση της απώλειας αν και όλα συνηγορούν υπέρ της αποδοχής της.
Inspector Montalbano finds himself at a critical moment of his life. His
needs to be alone but as time goes by and as he does not decide to "settle
down" as everybody does, frictions and conflicts are created between him
and his loved persons. At the same time, and as it is usually the case,
he has to deal with a case of disappearance of some persons who were professionals
in deceiving small investors and took their savings, money that someone
would usually call the savings of a whole lifetime.
However, this story does not look like a "giallo". Step by step, and with
great patience Montalbano realises that this case does not hide what looks
obvious at first sight- that is a mystery. It is a tragedy about devotion.
Total faith in someone or something that ends up being an obsession (monomany),
a deadlock or a drama. A tragedy about stubbornness in denying a loss even
if everything forces one to accept it.
Il commissario Montalbano si trova ad una svolta cruciale della sua vita. La
sua assoluta necessità di solitudine, dato che sono passati gli anni e non
si decide a "sistemarsi" e questo, come per tutti, crea dissidi e scontri
con la sua amata. Contemporaneamente, come al solito, bisogna affrontare una
difficile ipotesi di scomparsa di persone che "di professione" traggono in
inganno decine di piccoli investitori e si sono appropriate delle somme da
loro depositate, soldi che di solito chiamiamo "le fatiche della mia vita".
Nondimeno, questa storia non sembra "poliziesca". Passo dopo passo, con
pazienza e molte perplessità, Montalbano avverte che questa ipotesi non
nasconde ciò che a prima vista lasciava intendere, cioè mistero. Si tratta
di una tragedia di dedizione. Della fedeltà assoluta in qualcosa o in
qualcuno, che arriva alla fissazione, ad un punto morto, al dramma. Per il
rifiuto ostinato della perdita nonostante ogni cosa sostenga la sua